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The Journey of Murti Indah Sentosa in Providing Medical Equipment Across Indonesia

In the medical field, having quality equipment is crucial to delivering the best care to patients. That is why Murti Indah Sentosa, a prominent distributor of medical equipment in Indonesia, is highly regarded in the industry. Murti Indah Sentosa is a distribution company that specializes in medical equipment, including radiology, radiotherapy, physiotherapy, critical care, and cardiology. The company was founded by Atik Sutisna in 1982 in a garage in Indonesia. Today, Murti Indah Sentosa has nine offices spread across the country, with more than 300 employees supporting hospitals from across Indonesia. The client ranges from government customers, BUMN, private sectors, the military and police, clinics, and personal purchases.

Murti Indah Sentosa has faced many challenges over the years, but the company has always managed to stay ahead of the curve. One of the biggest challenges the company has faced is exchange rate fluctuations. As a distributor of medical equipment, Murti Indah Sentosa needs to purchase equipment from international suppliers, which means it is subject to currency fluctuations. HSBC helped the company manage this risk by providing trade facilities, such as letters of credit, to ensure that payments were made on time and in the correct currency.

Another challenge that the company has faced is long lead times when purchasing equipment from international suppliers. HSBC has been instrumental in helping Murti Indah Sentosa manage this challenge by offering trade finance solutions that improve cash flow and shorten lead times. This has allowed the company to maintain a competitive edge by being able to offer the latest medical equipment to its customers more quickly.

One of the challenges that PT Murti Indah Sentosa faces in their business process is the need for LC (Letter of Credit) and Bank Guarantees. Fortunately, HSBC has been able to help them in this area, providing timely and efficient services in the opening of LC and facilitating LC facilities and Bank Guarantees.

HSBC's support has been instrumental in enabling Murti Indah Sentosa to continue providing quality medical equipment to their customers. Their reliable and efficient system has simplified their business process, allowing them to focus on the growth and development of their company. The level of professionalism and expertise provided by HSBC has made them the ideal financial partner for Murti Indah Sentosa. Murti Indah Sentosa highly recommended HSBC as a business partner in assisting with the management of a company's financial needs by providing insights and guidance through its network of experts across the globe. The benefits of working with HSBC go beyond just the financial aspect, as they offer comprehensive business solutions to help companies grow and expand.

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