Cut-off Schedule Adjustment

Cut-off Schedule Adjustment for Payment Services

Cut-off Schedule Adjustment for Payment Services

Dear Valued Customers,

Please be informed about cut-off time for payment services of PT. Bank HSBC Indonesia, specifically for Tax Payments, which will be adjusted on October 25th 2024.

Below cut-off time schedule effective as of October 25th, 2024:

Transaction Type
Manual Transaction
Electronic Transaction
12.30 WIB
15.30 WIB
13.00 WIB
15.30 WIB
10.00 WIB

Telegraphic Transfer

  • USD
  • EUR & GBP

Inward Telegraphic Transfer USD

13.00 WIB
12.00 WIB
14.30 WIB
13.30 WIB
14.30 WIB

Inter-HSBC Indonesia account transfer*

  • Without currency exchange
    • Inter-IDR account
    • Inter-USD account
  • With currency exchange
    • USD
    • EUR & GBP

*only valid for electronic transaction via HSBCnet, for Personal & Business Internet banking will remain 24 hours

14.00 WIB

14.00 WIB

13.30 WIB

13.30 WIB

15.30 WIB

16.00 WIB

15.00 WIB

14.00 WIB

Tax payment
14.00 WIB
00.00 WIB
Payroll payment
T-1 11.00 WIB
T-1 15.00 WIB

Alternative solution for any transaction also available through HSBC Internet Banking (, HSBC Mobile Banking, and HSBC ATMs - including in more than 100,000 ATM Bersama and PRIMA networks.

Should you have any further inquiries, for personal customer, please contact our Call Center at 1500700 (Premier), 1500808 (Advance, Signature, Platinum, Cashback), 1500501 (Fusion) and for corporate customer, please contact our Corporate Call Center at 1500237 on business days, Monday until Friday (08.30 WIB – 17.00 WIB).

Thank you


Issued by PT Bank HSBC Indonesia (“HSBC”) which is licensed and supervised by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) in operating its business in Indonesia

Important information

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Enquiries and feedback



+62 21 25514777

(from overseas)